Friday, October 31, 2008

Let's Hoola Hooping!

Once I read a testimony who stated that she has a significant change in her body after hoola hooping, both the shape and also her vitality. About her shape, now practically most of her clothes became so loose for her. And another intriguing testimony said that she lost almost an inch of her waistline after hoola hoping for 15-30 mins in 2 weeks. Then I wonder, is hoola hoop exercising could give that impact? Umh… I need to check it out, coz now I also in a state to find a fun but effective exercise, and I think it will be my choice!

There are essentially two primary ways that hoola hoop can work as a fitness tool : aerobic exercise and abdominal exercise. Hoola hoop is excellent exercise for your middle circle (belly and the waistline), it can strengthen your abs! Sure, you will feel the burn and fatigue in your core area, but it will be much different from the pain your perceive while doing endless situps or crunches.

The good news is that if you do not know how to do it, it is even better. Because, it is more exercise while you are attempting and trying to get the hoola hoop moving in circles around your waist.

According to the American Council on Exercise, you should burn approximately 200 calories if you work out for 30 minutes. This varies according to your current weight. Many exercise classes use special heavy-weight hoola hoops to increase the cardio workout and to burn more calories. High intensity aerobic exercise burns up to 400 calories during the same amount of time.

One of the benefits of hoola hooping is that it can be done by people who are overweight - just try a high-intensity aerobic class if you’re carrying 50 extra pounds. It puts too much strain on your knees and ankles, and if you’re really out of shape you’ll run out of breath long before the class is over. And also heavier people burn more calories during any exercise, because it takes more work to move around. So, what a perfect choice, isn’t it?

Hoola Hooping Health Benefits:
  • Superb cardio and strength workout. Builds endurance.
  • Blasts the fat from the belly! Strengthens the core muscles the way sit ups do. A whole-body experience similar to yoga.
  • Promotes correct body alignment from the circular motions and proper posture in the upper body routines.
  • Speeds weight loss by boosting metabolism.
  • Relieves stress with fun fitness which makes you feel happy.
And one thing for sure why you would have a fun time with doing it? Coz You cannot be unhappy inside a hoop, don’t you?!.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Online degree!

Have you ever consider to pursue your study a step further, but like an old saying that your life has so little times but much to do!? Well.. dont get your dream fade away! coz now with all modern technologies come up,  many things become easier. One thing for sure is internet. It gives so much benefits and flexibilities for our life.  With this, a time (and distance) barrier isnt a problem any more to pursue a degree, because you can enroll yourself in an online degree programme.

And if you still a bit clueless about how online degrees in practice, I'll try to give you some overview! Various online degrees provider offer all degrees that traditional system has, from associate's, bachelore's, master's and doctor's degrees for a broad and increasing majors. In some instances, an online degree may be no different than a degree earned in a campus-based program. The instruction is often exactly the same, and the online degree contains no special designation. The significant difference is that you wont have a face-to-face communication while you enrolling this programme (of course!). 

In today’s brave new world of online cyber-world classrooms, admission criteria are not an impediment for the potential student. Likewise, costs are greatly reduced for the student since online educational programs do not have to maintain the overhead that traditional programs must maintain. Also, students can pursue their online educational programs at their own pace.

There are no requirements for the amount of credit hours that must be signed up for in any given time period. So, inspite of all differences and similarities between online and off-line colleges and universities, in many respects the curriculum can be very similar. 

You might be worry about how perceived quality of this online thing,  is it as qualified as traditional one? Well, some experts argue that degrees in certain fields are more accepted online than in others, while some programs are less suited for online-only schools. From a report published by Sloan Consortium stated that 57 percent of academic leaders rated the learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to those in face-to-face. That number is now 62 percent, a small but noteworthy increase. And a more convincing survey (by the Distance Education and Training Council) found that 100 percent of employers who responded felt that distance education program graduates performed better on the job as a result of their degree (as compared to their previous performance)

But, please be aware that not all online colleges and universities are created equal. Some are nothing but diploma mills and scams; the diplomas that they issue are probably worth less than the paper they are printed on. However, one can very easily protect him or herself from such scam operations by finding out a very simple bit of information. Is the online educational program accredited? Quality online degree programs are always accredited by an accrediting agency.

As a resume, here are some major bennefits you'll get from online degree :

  • An online degree program allows you to set your own schedule, at any time (early morning or even late at night, just as you like!) or any where you want as long as you have an internet connection.
  • If you a comfort seeker, online degrees don’t expose you to intimidating professors or even students ;)
  • Online degrees are cost effective.

Healthy Life With Vegetables

We all might already heard about how vegetable is a healthier choice than meat. And here are some facts about how those kinds of vegetables really work for our health.

  • When meat is processed, smoked, grilled, fried or cooked well done, it can lead to the formation of carcinogens that can damage DNA and begin the process of cancer development. Several types of compounds in vegetables (and fruits) stimulate enzymes that convert such carcinogens to inactive forms, which are then excreted from the body. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are especially known for compounds called isothiocyanates. These compounds take aim at meat-formed carcinogens. Garlic and onions contain sulfide compounds that can also inactivate meat-formed carcinogens.
  • Vegetables provide antioxidant vitamins and protective compounds that prevent and possibly repair DNA damage from free radicals. A high diet in vegetables can decrease the inflamation - throughout - the body. Inflammation can cause an increase in free radicals, which can damage DNA. It can also lead to cells reproducing too quickly, leaving less time to repair possible DNA damage that can lead to cancer.
  • Vegetables are low in fat and calories, a good source of dietary fiber and provide us with extra energy. Vegetables are also low in sodium so they help reduce water weight portion in our body.  All these features help control weight effectively. A proper weight means a heathier life.
  • The presence of many vitamins and other chemicals in vegetables supply the body with nutrients necessary to boost energy production within the muscle cells. This give us a natural feeling of vitality and the energy to become more active helping to burn more energy each day.
  • Five servings a day of vegetables (and fruits) will provide a greater drop in the cholesterol count. That’s because this category of food is a source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber lowers the LDL or “bad” cholesterol. The specific foods that are particularly high in soluble fiber are carrots, prunes, cabbage, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts, apples, citrus fruit, berries, apricots. 

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